“In my opinion Implantology is now an essential therapeutic alternative, which constantly benefits from the new discoveries and publications.
Nonetheless, this particular field in dental medicine requires an exhaustive and continuous education.
My professional focus in oral surgery in general and implantology in particular was proved in the past 20 years by the wide range of surgical interventions (dental implants, periodontal rehabilitations and sinus lift surgeries) which I have performed together with the other surgeons of the medical team.”
Work experience
2005–Present Member of the Oral Surgery and Implantology Department
DentalMed Luxury Dental Clinic, Bucharest (Romania)
Together with the other surgeons of the medical team I have managed and performed a wide range of
surgical interventions (dental implants, periodontal rehabilitations and sinus lift surgeries).
2000–Present General Manager & Medical Director, Oral Surgery and Implantology Department Coordinator
Activ Dent Private Practice, Bucharest
2014–Present Member of AAP (American Academy of Periodontology)
2010–Present Member of Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osteointegration
2012–Present Member of ITI (The International Team for Implantology)
Berna (Switzerland)
1999–2000 Military Doctor
Clinical Stage – Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Militar Central “Dr. Carol Davila”, Oral and Maxillofacial
Department, Bucharest (Romania)
30/11/2015–26/08/2016 Diplôme Universitaire Franco-Canadien Avancée en Implantologie
Université d’Évry Val d’Essonne France et l’Institut Canadien d’Implantologie, Paris (France)
2010–2013 Certificate of Specialist in Oral Surgery. Post graduate studies.
Carol Davila University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Dentistry Section, Bucharest (Romania)
2001–2003 Certificate of Specialist in General Denistry. Post graduate studies
Carol Davila University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Dentistry Section, Bucharest (Romania)
1993–1999 Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
Carol Davila University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Dentistry Section, Bucharest (Romania)
1993–1999 Military Doctor
Military Inistitute, Bucharest
2009 Periodontology Certification
Romanian Ministry of Health, National Centre of Health, Bucharest (Romania)
Lucrare de diploma “Tehnici de incizie în chirurgia paradontală
2005 Implantology Certification
Romanian Ministry of Health, National Centre of Health, Bucharest (Romania)
07/2007 Graduate of “Radiological Protection in diagnosis and interventional radiology” Course
Romanian Ministry of Health, National Centre of Health, Bucharest (Romania)
1989–1990 High School I.L. Caragiale Graduate
High School I.L. Caragiale, Bucharest (Romania)
1990–1993 High School St. Sava, Bucharest (Romania)
2018 Straumann® Pro Arch Certified Member
Institut Straumann Switzerland
10/2012 VI th National Congress of Dentistry
05/2012 Internatinal Congress of Esthetic Dentistry
SSER, Bucharest (Romania)
02/2012 “Periodontal Treatament or Dental Implants Therapy in 2012.” Congress
What are the limits” Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osteointegration, Tel Aviv (Israel)
02/2011 “Interdisciplinary treatment: Truths and Miths” Congress
Israeli Society of Periodontology si Osteointegration, Tel Aviv (Israel)
Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osteointegration, Tel Aviv (Israel)
07/2010 10 Years Anniversary of the ”Actualită i Stomatologice” journal, Adverse Drug INTERACTIONS in Dentistry
Ministery of Health
10/2008 XIIth Edition of the UNAS International Congress
10/2008 III-rd National Conference of Periodontology
UNAS with the Society of Periodontology in Romania
01/2008 First aid course – medical staff the dental office
Medicine Association for Disaster and Emergency
10/2007 The XI-th edition of the International Congress UNAS
10/2007 II-nd National Conference of Periodontology
03/2007 International Congress of Dentistry
03/2006 International Congress of Dentistry
10/2005 How to treat cases impossible to treat
UMF Carol Davila + UNAS + MSB + Romanian Association of Endodontics
10/2005 IX-th National Congress of Dentistry
10/2005 Principles and stages of implant-prosthetic therapy treatment
UMF Carol Davila + UNAS + MSB
06/2005 Coronal reconstructions and Endodontic restorations – two independent therapeutic acts
UMF Carol Davila + UNAS + MSB
05/2005 New tool – ProTaper – manually – with the same efficiency but certainly enhanced rotary operation
UMF Carol Davila + UNAS + MSB + Romanian Association of Endodontics
05/2005 Course of oral implantology: Implanto-Prosthetic treatment in the 3rd millennium
FMDB + CMDR + Romanian Society of Oral Implantology and Biomaterials
10/2004 VIII-th National Congress of Dentistry
09/2004 National Conference of Dentistry
Societatea Romanian Society of Dentistry + Association of Dentists
10/2003 VII-th National Congress of Dentistry
10/2010 XIV-th International Congress Edition
10/2006 X-th Edition of the International Congress